Three Million Euro for Broadband Expansion in Alb-Donau Region

8. August 2017

Baden-Württemberg is a rural area and that means we are also innovative in rural matters. In our region there are many hidden champions and global leaders. This is also true in our rural areas. This is why the provision of faster internet is very important for Baden-Württemberg. Broadband is one of the most important location factors in our region. This is why we are working to close white spots in our area.” Broadband expansion is booming in Baden-Württemberg” says the Deputy Minister President and President and Minister of the interior, Digitalization and Migration, County Commissioner Thomas Strobel.
County Commissioner Heiner Scheffold is happy about the funding commitments: “I am very thankful for this support. The State Government is demonstrating that digital divisions between the urban centre and rural areas is to be avoided.”
Closing gaps in the systems of today with the technology of tomorrow
Using the majority of the subsidies announced today, broadband networks will be built and expanded. Baden-Württemberg has already promoted 246 broadband projects, totaling around 46 million Euros.
The Government will support communities, in which network expansion is not profitable for private network operators. In the Federal Republic, the provision of broadband is the responsibility of private telecommunication providers. Taking economic factors into consideration, they decide where to invest in broadband and supply networks. In places where the market has failed and where the private providers do not invest, public administration will provide support programmes.

Thomas Strobl, Deputy Minister President and Minister of the interior, Digitalization and Migration, County Commissioner Heiner Scheffold (middle), Parliamentarians Ronja Kemmer (MdB), Jürgen Filius and Manuel Hagel (both MdL), the Mayor and representative of the beneficiary communities, and employees of the company and district administration.