Baden-Württembergische Bank

Financial service provider

BW-Bank – the ideal partner BW-Bank is actually called Baden-Württembergische Bank, and that describes its self-image: We look after private and business customers as well as corporate customers throughout Baden-Württemberg with a special focus on medium-sized companies. Because every company needs a partner who can help them overcome challenges. A partner with whose help the innovation leads to market success or the factory building at the new location is financed, who advises on strategic takeovers and also accompanies the first steps in a foreign country. BW-Bank does all of this and much more for its corporate customers, for global corporations as well as for regional medium-sized companies.

BW-Bank offers you attractive development opportunities in a wide variety of areas. Join us now and help shape our future. As part of the LBBW Group, we advertise our positions on the LBBW career portal. This makes it easy for you to get an idea of ​​the numerous career opportunities throughout the Group.

Field of business or sector: Private and corporate customers
Locations: 2 in Ulm and 60 in Badenwürttemberg
Employees: 10.000 (LBBW-Konzern)
Baden-Württembergische Bank
Syrlinstraße 35
Tel.: 0731 1427 21