Stadt Ehingen

municipal administration

Ehingen (Danube) town of opportunities
In the heart of Europe and on the interface of Baden-Wurttemberg and Bavaria lies Ehingen, the biggest town in the Alb-Danube district and with a total area of 178 km ² it’s the third-biggest town in Baden-Wurttemberg. For quite some time now, Ehingen is a perfect opportunity town because of it it’s advanced, dynamic, but also cultural accent. Its excellent location makes Ehingen especially interesting for the trade and the industry business.

Educational institutions
Ehingen offers extensive educational institutions and provides all grammar schools. With its broad spectrum of education and training, Ehingen and the surrounding area provides the possibility for an apprenticeship or further educations in a variation of vocational training schools.

Tourism & Leisure
The Beer brewer’s town, Ehingen offers a highly developed landscape with recommend leisure and free time opportunities. You also have the recreational areas of the biosphere region Swabian Alb and the Danube valley, directly on your doorstep, as well as the very popular Danube cycling path and the Upper Swabian Baroque Route which run directly through Ehingen.

Ehingen (Danube) lies on three federal highways (B 311 Ulm-Donaueschingen, B 465 Stuttgart-Friedrichshafen, B 492 to the A 8). The autobahn connections A 8 Munich-Stuttgart and A 7 Kempten-Wurzburg are between 14 and 25 km away. A railway connection is directly located in the centre of the town and run in the directions of Ulm-Freiburg.

Field of business or sector: municipality
Locations: Ehingen
Employees: 510
Stadt Ehingen
Marktplatz 1
Tel.: +49 (0)7391 503 0