Tandem: Language and Cultural Exchange

31. Oktober 2019

Or all of the above? Great! The Office "Ulm – Internationale Stadt" would like to invite you to the Tandem Meeting: At each table there´s a flag of a different country. The participant chooses at which table he/she wants to sit – so there´s a good chance to meet a bunch of new people from different countries/ cultures. Being part of this amazing meeting is completely free of charge!
When: Every 1st Thursday of the month, 8pm
Where: Cabaret Eden, Karlstraße 71, 89073 Ulm
Languages: Arabic, Chinese, German, English, Finnish, French, Italian, Farsi, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Hungarian…
If you would like to improve your language skills and meet new people, you are welcome to Tandem.
Next Meeting: Dezember 5th
Further information you can find here: https://www.facebook.com/internationalestadtulm
