Artificial intelligence – opportunity and challenge for school and vocational training

10. November 2023

Since ChatGPT became known worldwide at the beginning of this year and reached more than 100 million users, the topic of artificial intelligence has been on everyone’s lips. As a megatrend, AI has the potential to fundamentally change our lives and work, similar to the everyday use of the Internet and social media. AI is expected to impact all areas of life in society and the economy, including school and vocational training.

At the 1st IHK Education Forum on October 24th under the motto “AI in education – the future begins now”, the IHK Ulm invited regional training companies and general and vocational schools to discuss the possibilities and challenges. “We consciously chose a platform in which general education and vocational schools can work with companies to discuss how artificial intelligence will influence our understanding of learning and skills development,” says host Martina Doleghs, Director of Education at the IHK Ulm. “The large and positive response to the event confirms to us that this format and topic struck a chord with everyone involved in the education system.”

The event was kicked off by Prof. Dr. Tina Seufert, head of the teaching-learning research department at Ulm University. She emphasized: “In order to meet the challenges of digital transformation, you not only need the ability to deal with AI, but also general learning skills that make it possible to deal with the changes.”

Guests were invited to join in the discussion and exchange ideas in various thought rooms. How will our working world and our professions change? Will AI eventually replace us? What skills will the training world of tomorrow require in order to use AI sensibly? “These are exciting topics that are of great interest to teachers and trainers. We are looking into a not too distant future and should, above all, see the opportunities that present themselves without ignoring the legitimate concerns,” says Frank Stumm, head of the training and further education department at the IHK Ulm.

Almost 150 people took part in the first IHK educational forum in the Seeberger Genusswelt. The format is intended to establish itself as a regional exchange platform and the topic of artificial intelligence will also remain an important topic for many years.

Note: The content statements in the press releases of the IHK Ulm are based on the positions developed by the democratically legitimized committees of the IHK Ulm, surveys or information from statistical evaluations. The IHK Ulm expressly points out that there may be differing opinions on the statements presented within the member companies of the IHK Ulm.

Prof. Dr. Tina Seufert betonte in ihrem Impulsvortrag, dass es auf Lernkompetenz ankommt (Foto: Armin Buhl)