Life - events and highlights

Whether trendy party, avant-garde art or traditional festive days. Anyone with a wide range of interests will be spoiled for choice in the Ulm innovation region. Stroll, dream, listen to music, dance, marvel and look. In the region on the Danube and Iller you can enjoy with all your senses, all year round!

The "Ulmer Zelt"

Every summer, the audience in the “Ulmer Zelt” enjoys a colorful potpourri of handpicked program items. Established artists and promising newcomers, cabaret artists, actors and music ensembles shake hands at this cultural festival in Friedrichsau.

The Schwörwoche

The traditional Ulm public holiday, Schwörmontag (Oath Monday), is initiated by an evening light serenade on the Danube. Schwörmontag is always celebrated on the penultimate Monday of July. The day the mayor is accountable for the past year and renewed his oath to the city constitution from 1397. In the afternoon follows the “Nabada”, in high German: bathing down. In a procession to water, thousands of large and small boats sail down the Danube, often commenting on the political situation.

The Einstein marathon

Ulm has dedicated an annual marathon to the world-famous native of Ulm, Albert Einstein. The cathedral with the highest church tower in the world forms the impressive backdrop at the finish. More than 16,000 runners took part in the 12th edition in September 2016.

The international Danube Festival

The Danube Festival takes place every two years on the banks of Ulm and Neu-Ulm. Artists and visitors from all Danube countries meet during these ten days and provide a colorful mix of country-specific specialties, musical styles and dances. A very lively meeting place for cultures.

Summer stage at the Blautopf

A very special mixture of culture, music and comedy attracts over 10,000 visitors every year. The multi-week open air festival in Blaubeuren is unparalleled. Outstanding artists are inspired by the mystical flair of the Blautopf spring.

Schwäbisch-Alemannische Fasnet

On Epiphany they dust off their “Häs”, the participants of the Swabian-Alemannic Fasnet in the strongholds of Dietenheim, Ehingen, Munderkingen and many other places in the Ulm innovation region. Witches, devils and ghosts move through the places in parades. The focus is on old customs such as the excavation of the Fasnets, the setting up of the fool tree, the Weiberfasnet on the “Glombigen Doschdig” and the historical “Narrensprung”.