13 events will take place in and around Ehingen until 24th June 2016. They will range from the chamber music, musical cabaret and drumming fascination to the choir serenade, a benefit open air performance and a musical journey at the end of the programme:
Friday June 3th, 8 pm, Lindenhalle
The Soul Empire
The History of Soul
Saturday June 4th, 8 pm, Lindenhalle
Scrap into music
Sunday June 5th, 8 pm, Evangelische Kirche Weilersteußlingen
Holz trifft Blech
Youth ensembles from the region
Wednesday June 8th, 7 pm, Lindenhalle
Deutsch-chinesischer Abend (German-Chinese evening)
Music Middle School visiting Ehingen
Saturday June 11th, 8 pm, Franziskanerkloster Innenhof
La Signora – Träume & Tabletten
Musical cabaret
Sunday June 12th, 6 pm, Lindenhalle
Harmonie verbinden
German-Chinese choral and orchestral concert
Monday June 13th, 10:30 am and 2:30 pm, Lindenhalle
The big drumming magic celebration for the whole family
Wednesday June 15th, 7 pm, Franziskanerkloster, Außenhof
Ehingen Choirs & The Ehingen City Band Wind Quintette
Friday June 17th, 8 pm, Marktplatz
The Big Band of the Bundeswehr
Saturday June 18th, 8 pm, Lindenhalle
Trio Adorno
Chamber music at its best
Sunday June 19th, 7 pm, Lindenhalle
Sonus Brass – „mezzotragisch“
Music performance with five brass players and five chairs
Friday Juni 24th, 8 pm, Lindenhalle
Forever 27
Musical Journey / staged concert by Heiner Kondschak
Advance ticket sales
– Ehinger Buchladen, Telephone 07391 706250
– – www.reservix.de
Further information at www.musiksommer-ehingen.de