The City of Neu-Ulm is looking for members for the International Advisory Board

13. May 2020

The International Advisory Board of the City of Neu-Ulm will be newly appointed this year. The Municipality is looking for 12 men and women with international roots, who would like to get involved with the city issues, together with advisory members of the city council.

The International Advisory Board of the city of Neu-Ulm was established in 2014. It goes back to the Foreigners’ and Integration Advisory Council from 1978 and is intended to represent a spectrum of the international population of Neu-Ulm. It advises the city council and also the administration in all questions concerning migration and integration. The members of the advisory board are volunteers. The committee meets at least four times a year and can also form thematic working groups if required.

The Municipality od Neu-Ulm is now looking for people from Neu-Ulm with international roots who would like to actively support their city and a good cooperation of cultures. “In their work, the members of the advisory board should not represent certain nationalities or their concerns in the city society, but rather develop a common language as a basis for an equal life in our city,” says Lord Mayor Katrin Albsteiger, describing the tasks of the volunteers. The focus of the work is on the harmonious coexistence of all nationalities. “For this important task, we would like to see citizens who volunteer their time in the field of integration and migration policy and who would like to actively participate in shaping the city society,” said the Lord Mayor.

The new legislative period of the advisory board starts in September 2020 and runs until September 2026. Persons with a migrant background who have reached the age of 18, have had their main residence in Neu-Ulm for at least three months and for whom diversity is not a foreign concept can apply. In addition, specialist skills in the areas of “migration and integration” are required. Ideally, these can be demonstrated through full-time work or voluntary commitment.

In order to address as many citizens as possible and to draw attention to the new formation of the International Advisory Board, the city administration has launched an information campaign. A specially produced spot are advertised online and in social networks. Several hundred posters in different languages are also displayed in the city’s streets.

Interested persons, who would like to participate in the International Advisory Board of the City of Neu-Ulm from September, can apply until 22 June 2020. Further information and the application form are available on the Internet at:

Further information: The constituent meeting of the International Advisory Board will take place on 21 September 2020. If you have any questions regarding the work of the Advisory Board or the Advisory Board in general, please contact the staff of the Coordination Office Intercultural Neu-Ulm: Phone: 0731 / 7050-2002 Mail:
