Carl Zeiss Foundation: 70,000 euros for the Albert Einstein Discovery Center in Ulm

25. October 2021

Albert Einstein’s scientific findings are still an important basis for scientific research and development today. In order to illustrate this more strongly in Einstein’s native city of Ulm, the Carl Zeiss Foundation, as one of the “First 11″ main sponsors, is supporting the construction of an experience centre around the life and work of Albert Einstein with a grant of 70,000 euros. The money will mainly go towards the conception and development of exhibits in the future exhibition building.

“Scientific findings shape many areas of our society. A fact that is often not consciously perceived. The promotion and communication of the natural sciences, especially physics, is a central concern of the Carl Zeiss Foundation,” Dr. Felix Streiter, Managing Director of the Carl Zeiss Foundation, explains the reasons. “The Albert Einstein Discovery Center is intended to inspire enthusiasm for science and make it tangible using the example of one of the most famous scientists of all time.”

The Albert Einstein Discovery Center takes a holistic approach: in addition to an interactive technology exhibition and a science centre, the life of the Ulm native is also highlighted. Multimedia installations will provide an insight into life in Ulm around 1879. The technology exhibition, on the other hand, will introduce visitors to the world of his theories in a comprehensible and entertaining way and illustrate the connections between science, technology and everyday life. In addition, around 250 to 300 experiment stations in the Science Centre will introduce visitors to technical and scientific phenomena and interrelationships. The aim is to create a positive approach to science and technology and, in particular, to inspire young people to pursue a career in the STEM field.

“With the funding of exhibits in the Albert Einstein Discovery, we want to actively contribute to the transfer of knowledge and get people excited about the fascination of science,” explains Dr Felix Streiter. “With the funding at this early stage of the project, we hope to provide an important impetus for the realisation and many more supporters.”

“We are delighted that we have been able to win the Carl Zeiss Foundation, one of the oldest and best-known corporate-affiliated foundations in Germany, as the fourth main sponsor for our project. This demonstrates the importance that our project will have far beyond Ulm,” says Dr Nancy Hecker-Denschlag, Chairwoman of the Albert Einstein Discovery Center Ulm e.V.

In order to realise the construction of the discovery and experience centre around the life and work of Albert Einstein, further companies are now to be motivated to participate within the framework of the campaign “The first 11″. In future, these main sponsors will be honoured for their special commitment in the foyer of the Albert Einstein Discovery Center.


Contact details:

Albert Einstein Discovery Center Ulm e.V.
Chairwoman: Dr. Nancy Hecker-Denschlag
Bessererstrasse 13-15 – 89073 Ulm, Germany
Phone: +49 731 9642 8181 –

Foto: Press'n'Relations GmbH / Uwe Pagel