Sparkasse Ulm honored as “Best Local Bank”

11. October 2022

The Gesellschaft für Qualitätsprüfung (Society for Quality Testing) conducts the only bank test nationwide that is consistently based on DIN standards.

The best quality of advice as well as an excellent digital offering: with an overall grade of 1.35 and thus the only “very good” rating, Sparkasse Ulm has come out on top as the “best local bank” among a total of five credit institutions in Ulm that were examined. The award is given by the independent “Gesellschaft für Qualitätsprüfung mbH” from Stuttgart, whose comprehensive analysis is intended to provide bank customers with an objective and at the same time differentiated means of comparison.

“Sparkasse Ulm convinced us both with its digital offering and with the quality of service and advice experienced in personal contact,” explains Kai Fürderer, member of the management of the Gesellschaft für Qualitätsprüfung mbH. The independent company for quality measurement in banks has conducted the consumer protection-oriented bank test “BESTE BANK vor Ort” 2022 in over 200 locations. This is the only bank test that has already been based on DIN standards since 2016. In addition, the digital image has also been assessed since 2021 to supplement the extensive questionnaire.

The entire Management Board of Sparkasse Ulm: Ulrich Heisele (left), Wolfgang Hach (Deputy Chairman) and Dr. Stefan Bill (Chairman) are pleased to receive the award together. Photo: Sparkasse Ulm