Education folder “Ulm macht Schule” (Education in Ulm)

3. November 2020

Every child and young person in Ulm should have the opportunity to obtain a qualified degree. This is the claim that Mayor Iris Mann formulates. “Because education is the raw material of the future,” she says. The city of Ulm is pursuing this goal and is publishing the newly developed education folder “Ulm macht Schule”. This education folder provides information on the basics and special features of the Ulm education system as well as on all possible educational paths in Ulm.

“School and education are important for everyone. Education means that people learn important things for their jobs. But education also means that people learn important things for a happy life. In Ulm there are many different possibilities for education. There are many possible ways of education. This folder should explain which possibilities there are”. So the mayor in the foreword to the almost 200-page education folder “Ulm macht Schule – Bildungswege in Ulm”. The information tool works with many graphic representations and symbols and is written in simple language. The entire folder has also been translated into five other languages – German/English, German/Turkish, German/Arabic, German/French, German/Italian. With this low-threshold approach, the education folder aims to reach all parents and guardians in Ulm and support them in their efforts to provide their children with an adequate education. In this way, the equal opportunities of all Ulm children in the educational sector are to be strengthened and improved in the long term.

The education folder contains information on
– Early childhood education: day care center, crèche, day care
– General: timetable, vacations, school materials, diseases, scholarships, school team, …
– elementary school: Elementary school and preparatory class (VKL)
– Special educational educational offers: SBBZ, school kindergarten, special educational early advice centers
– Secondary schools: Joint school, Haupt- and Werkrealschule, Realschule, Gymnasium
– Vocational schools and studies: Vocational school, vocational school, vocational college, vocational grammar school, vocational high school, technical school, studies
– Offers of the city of Ulm: Children and family centers, advice centers, learning meetings, financial support offers, Nestcard

Interested parties can download the entire folder or just individual chapters in each of the five available languages free of charge. Printed in the folder, the education folder can be ordered from the Education Office of the City of Ulm and is available for a nominal charge.

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