Digital transformation in Ulm continues

10. November 2023

The Digital Agenda of the City of Ulm points out highlights that bring joy, promise excitement and hopefully also whet the appetite for more:

Ideas competition on November 25 in the Verschwörhaus

The Digital Agenda of Start Ulm launches the “Weinhof Innovation Engine”: In line with the Smart City mission, a multi-stage innovation competition is intended to create solutions that improve the quality of life of citizens and make the city more competitive – and promote sustainability. It kicks off with the innovation competition “Attractive Lederhof” for innovative solutions that enrich the lives of the people of Ulm and make the city more attractive, safer and more future-oriented. We invite everyone to be part of this exciting journey.

Nächster Schritt nach dem Kreativ-Workshop im Oktober ist der Pitch der Projekte im Rahmen des Ideen-Wettbewerbs am 25. November, an dem die drei besten Projekte prämiert werden. Hier kannst du dich zum Ideen-Wettbewerb am 25. November ab 12.30 Uhr anmelden; hier findest du auch weitere Infos:

Additional information can be found here:

Impulse evening: Digitalization – climate savior or climate killer? November 16 at the Verschwörhaus

The fifth impulse evening of the series “Experiencing the Future in Everyday Life” is dedicated to current climate issues from the perspective of a smart city: Can digital solutions help save the climate? Or is there even an increase in energy consumption that destroys the hoped-for savings effects? The Smart City Mission of the City of Ulm will ask this question on November 16 from 6 p.m. in the Verschwörhaus am Weinhof. Admission is free.

Gerrit Bernstein shows us which digital tools the Ulm Surveying Office is already using. In a lecture, he explains how the measurement of buildings is related to digital twins and the rebound effect. You can also take a look at the 3D capture of buildings yourself afterwards – with the help of VR glasses, you have the opportunity to move virtually through different buildings. And there’s also a sneak peek into the use of AI and Photoshop.

Further information:

Ulm is the first host of the MPSC-ÖA-Treff

Ulm hosted the first face-to-face meeting of public relations staff in the circle of more than 70 Smart Cities model projects. From October 25 to 27, 2023, around 30 colleagues from all over Germany exchanged ideas on the topic of public relations especially for smart cities in the Verschwörhaus.

Further information:

Smart City Index 2023: Ulm now in 9th place

The city of Ulm has improved by seven places in Bitkom’s Smart City Index 2023: After 16th place last year, Ulm ranks 9th in the top 10 for the first time in the current survey.

“I am particularly pleased that our digitalization efforts of the past few years have paid off and that we are now the smallest municipality in the top 10 in a league with major cities such as Munich, Hamburg or Dresden,” comments Ulm’s Lord Mayor Gunter Czisch on the result. “Digitalization and smart cities are not projects that can be implemented just like that. It is a transformation process that takes years. The development, which is reflected in the rankings in the Smart City Index, shows that we are on the right track here,” sums up Gunter Czisch. Another indication of this is the fact that Ulm consistently achieved the highest possible score of 30 points in all categories in the pilot projects of the Smart City mission.

Learn more:

The Smart City Index 2023:

The video of the award session:

Ideas competition #Hack4Ukraine finds exciting solutions

“#Hack4Ukraine” – this is the title of a joint action by several helpful actors and institutions in Ulm to help refugees from Ukraine in their new living environment here in Ulm in their situations and needs. Concrete solutions were developed on 13 and 14 October as part of an ideas workshop to help improve the situation of refugees from Ukraine.

First place went to the project “Hilf Polina”, a smart mobile app that supports refugees with checklists and important exchange of experience and information. Second place went to “Path U” – an app that playfully connects Ukrainian refugees on site through educational topics and local events. The third winning project is “Keyoo”, which plans to start producing keyboards with a Ukrainian-German layout in just six weeks.

The prize money for the winning teams is 3000 euros each. The winners will present their solutions on 1 December.

Learn more:

Digitaler Wandel in Ulm geht weiter