Study information day is just around the corner

15. November 2023

On November 22nd, 2023 the time has come – the study information day is just around the corner! Various renowned universities in the region, including Ulm University, Biberach University, DHBW Heidenheim, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, Aalen University, Zeppelin University, Ulm University of Technology and the Weingarten University of Education, cordially invite those interested.

On this day, the universities open their doors to offer insights into their diverse study programs. Regardless of whether visitors are interested in architecture, engineering, natural sciences, business administration or another field – they help to find the right offer for their interests and talents.

The exact times and further information can be found on the respective university websites. This event is a great opportunity to plan your professional future and clarify questions about applications and admissions.

Mark November 22nd, 2023 in your calendar now and be there! The universities look forward to welcoming interested parties to the study information day.

The Südkurs university guide offers answers to the questions: What degree programs are there? How do I start studying? How do I finance my studies? What careers are there after that? It’s worth taking a look:

Studieninformationstag am 22. November 2023 (Bild: Südkurs)