Against the skilled labour shortage: Innovation Region Ulm launches career portal

15. November 2023

The economic surveys by the Ulm and Swabia Chambers of Commerce and Industry for autumn 2023 have once again made it clear: around 56 percent of the companies surveyed in the region have vacancies that they cannot fill. Innovationregion Ulm now wants to address the shortage of work and skilled workers with a new career portal.

The new portal is available to companies, craft businesses, service providers and municipal employers in Innovationsregion Ulm as well as in the districts of Biberach, Günzburg and Heidenheim. You can publish your job advertisements free of charge and also draw the attention of potential employees with an employer profile.

The career portal is implemented by the Ulm-based company BITE GmbH. Its managing director Hubert Ketterer brought the idea to the board of Innovation Region Ulm. After thorough examination by the human resources departments of the cities of Ulm and Neu-Ulm, the Alb-Donau district and the Neu-Ulm district, the implementation was approved.

In the new career portal, thanks to the integrated reach and search engine optimization, all job advertisements are automatically and actively forwarded to Google for Jobs, Indeed, LinkedIn and many other free job exchanges via an interface. “We hope that this will make it easier for talented people to find their dream job and for employers to find the staff they are looking for more easily,” explains Uschi Knapp, Managing Director of Innovationsregion Ulm.

Countering the shortage of skilled workers is one of the declared goals of the Ulm innovation region. It draws attention to the companies in the region and their job and training offers nationwide at recruiting fairs at universities and colleges as well as regionally at numerous career orientation fairs. The new career portal is another tool available to draw attention to the excellent prospects in the innovation region.

You can find the new skilled workers and training portal at


The prospects for children and young people in the Ulm innovation region are exceptionally good. Girls and boys are already involved in science and technology in kindergarten. Model projects ensure a close connection between kindergarten and primary school. The international school and the basketball boarding school at the Ursprung school in Schelklingen enable learning in an international environment. A large number of secondary schools prepare students for their studies and professional life. Education networks enable the exchange of experience between the world of work and school.

With their wide range of subjects, the University of Ulm, Ulm University of Applied Sciences and Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences are extremely popular. This is evidenced by the steadily growing number of students. The good rankings in university rankings certainly contribute to this.

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HENSOLDT, member of Innovationsregion Ulm, continues growth trajectory with significant revenue growth in core business in the third quarter of 2023 Revenue at EUR 1,136

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